What is WIN?
WIN stands for World Intercession Network. Our vision is to connect believers to the heart of God through prayer as we intercede for the nations.
When was WIN organized?
A World Intercession Network committee was established in November of 1982. This charter committee was organized to pray for IPHC missionaries and the ministries of the church. A WIN office was established in Oklahoma City at the Resource Development Center in 1990.
What does WIN do?
WIN promotes prayer through conferences and local churches and in cooperation with many national prayer ministries. We provide resources to generate a fresh enthusiasm for prayer. Working with Conference WIN Directors in each IPHC conference, we equip them to recruit and resource local church WIN Directors as they lead their churches to become houses of prayer.
Who can participate in WIN?
Any Christian interested in a lifestyle of committed prayer for God’s world is invited to participate. Watch the WIN website for upcoming prayer initiatives, prayer guides, and other materials to encourage you as you lead your church in prayer or as an individual prayer warrior.
- Would you like to have a world-wide influence for God?
- Would you like to be a difference maker in advancing Christ’s Kingdom?
- Would you like to play a significant role in God’s plan to build His church and win souls?
You may not think this is not possible for you. Truly, there are many situations in which we are limited. The good news is that we can always work with God through prayer. Through prayer we can cooperate with Him in any place or time and in every need. Releasing God’s blessing and presence to others through prayer is a ministry open to every believer.
As part of His eternal plan, He invites us to join with Christ in His intercessory role and rule today (Hebrews 7:25). Prayer is the supreme way to be workers together with God (2 Cor. 6:1). You can influence more people for God and have a greater role in advancing Christ’s cause by prayer than in any other way. It’s not the only thing you must do but it’s the greatest thing you can do.
I believe Spirit-filled intercession is the key to our reaching souls, planting churches, building up the Body, pushing back the darkness and clearing the way for Christ’s return. Our multiplied praying will result in multiplied results. Just think what could happen if we took our throne room privileges and priestly responsibilities seriously and joined together with other like-minded believers and called on the Lord of the Harvest in one accord?
I believe He is calling us to prayer – to a Spirit filled season of intercession from Spirit-led and Spirit-empowered believers who fervently believe God has raised up Sonshine Network Ministries “for such a time as this.” God always precedes revival and significant outpourings of His Spirit with prayer and intercession from impassioned believers.