Creating a Facebook GROUP within your church Facebook page.

Creating a Facebook GROUP within your church Facebook page.

1. From a computer log into your CHURCH Facebook page. Go to the Groups section on

the left side menu and click on, “Groups.”

2. Click “Create Group”

3. Name Your Group. (example: Church Family Group)

4. Add Members. …

5. Choose Privacy Setting. (make this a private closed group just for your members)

6. Click Create.

7. Add a Cover Image.

8. Complete “About” Section.

Benefits of having a CLOSED GRUP:

1. You can Facebook “LIVE” to your members.

a. This live feed can be conducted from anywhere simply by using a

smartphone connected to Wi-Fi (example: church, house, porch…)

b. Those in this group can make:

i. comments to teachings,

ii. post prayer requests

iii. post praise reports during and after the live service.

c. You can have someone monitoring this group to respond to them like

a greeter as they sign on as well answering their questions and prayer


d. If you currently accept online tithing, a link to that sight can be posted

for them to continually give.

e. Adult worship videos can also be posted here from YouTube sites.

2. Senior adults can post in this group.

a. Those needing groceries and medications picked up due to health risks

can post it.

b. Everyone can and will do something to help if they are only asked.

3. Your young adults can post in this group.

a. Some stay at home moms are offering free childcare for single moms

so they can continue to earn income.

4. Children’s ministry can post in this group.

a. Teachings can be posted here for parents to use with their children.

b. Because this is a SAFE site, parents can post pictures of activities that

they are doing at home to help build a since of community.

c. Children worship videos can also be posted here from YouTube sites.

5. Youth ministry can post in this group.

a. Youth devotional and series can be posted to help them grow in their

FAITH and dispel any FEAR.

b. Youth worship videos can also be posted here from YouTube sites.

6. Once you have this in place, it can be continued even after the virus is gone.

7. This does NOT take the place of a regular personal touch.

a. Build teams to touch base with your people regularly by:

i. Phone

ii. Text

iii. Email